Saturday, June 25, 2016

Are We Still "Setting them Apart"?

What does it mean to be "set apart"?  In Acts 13:2 its says "While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.'” ESV

In this context, the Holy Spirit challenged the local church to
dedicate certain people to a special and unique task, that of seeing His Kingdom expanded among the Gentile world.  In similar ways, those who are called to take the gospel to the last, least and lost must be "set apart" for that task. Churches, families, communities, and even mission organizations must be willing to set them apart.

In the early church, there must have been many important leadership gaps that needed to be filled.  Barnabas and Saul were mature and gifted men of God.  The church in Antioch was growing as was the church all over.  It was a sacrifice to release these men, to dedicate them to the task of going to the Gentiles.  Yet, that was what the Holy Spirit directed the church elders to do.

Are we willing to send our best leaders to pioneer in new places?  Are we willing to release them to go and follow the calling God has for them? Might we even encourage them to consider leaving us and going to those who have never heard good news?  That is the first step.

After they go, are we willing to continue to release them?  Maybe even from some of the normal meetings, reports or administrative duties that others are required to participate in? Its a true challenge for us!

If we know we have been called to be those sent ones, lets make sure we continue to stay "set apart."  Set apart from all the things that distract and deter us from our focus and calling.  Things like; social media, many kinds of conferences, extra overseas travel, status based positions on leadership teams and boards, obligations that we aren't necessarily called to but say yes to anyhow.  If God set us apart for a particular calling, we have a responsibility to stay focused on that and learn to say ourselves and to others too.

For those of us who are leaders of those who are set apart to go to the unreached, or have sent them out, let's pray for them to stay focused on the task. Let's do whatever we can to help them be released to devote themselves to reaching the lost rather than to administrative or organization obligations we think might be good for them (or for us). 

Friday, June 10, 2016

He commanded us to PRAY earnestly!

This month many of us around the world have been joining together to pray for and with our Muslim friends.  It is the month of Ramadan when Muslims around the world fast and pray with great diligence.  As Jesus followers, we pray for God’s work among and blessing upon the huge populations of Muslims around the world who do not yet know of God’s incredible love for them.  If you aren’t yet joining in the 30 days of Prayer effort, please do join now! You can see daily prayer focus info at

 Praying for the unreached, the poor, the needy, the last, least and lost is not only a good thing to do, its something Jesus commanded.  In Matt 9:38 He said “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”  How often do you pray for the unreached, that laborers would GO to them?  Are you praying earnestly today? I believe you are!  Jesus said the harvest was ripe and ready, but the laborers weren’t enough.  Many more people need to Go!

I heard a message the other day about Jesus’ return being around the corner.  As the pastor said, we are truly at a place where Jesus could come back any time.  People from every tribe and nation have almost certainly heard and come to faith.  We are really, really close to the fulfillment of those words Jesus said “And this gospel shall be preached in the whole earth, and then the end will come.” 

As I heard him speak, while a part of me longs for His return and for Heaven, another part of my heart cried out within me “Not yet, Jesus.  Not yet!”  I thought of the millions of Yadav people in Jharkhand and Bihar state who still haven’t heard of Him.  I thought of the millions of Shaikh Muslims in Telangana who still have no known believers among them yet.  I thought of the ripe harvest waiting there if only some people would go there and take His message to them. 

So, today, I ask you to join with me to pray earnestly to the Lord to send out laborers to those who have not yet heard the good news and encountered God’s love.  Who will go?  Who will send?  Time is short.  Pray that God would enable us to quickly start many new teams that will go to those who have never heard, to the New Pioneer Areas.  Pray that harvest workers would soon take his message to these places that are so desperately in need both spiritually and physically.