Thursday, July 7, 2016

Why do we value reporting and tracking?

Many people here in South Asia (and in general) struggle with the concept of reporting progress on church or ministry growth.  Today I'm having a meeting with some people to bring better understanding on this issue.  Why have we emphasized reporting and tracking so much in Frontier Missions?  For some it can feel controlling.  Others think it isn't loving.  Some feel it isn't necessary.  It can feel too business like and not very spiritual.  Some think we are obsessed with results and don't care about people. 

As I was considering this the other day I asked myself "Is the value reporting and accountability? Is that really the core value?"  As I thought more about this I concluded that it was not.  The core value is not reporting or accountability.  The core value is our deeply held commitment to be obedient to the vision God has given and to the calling He has placed upon our lives and the part of the broader YWAM organization which we call Frontier Missions.  Because we are so committed to that calling we need to measure and evaluate how we are doing in making progress in fulfilling our vision for the release of movements among the unreached.

An example came to my mind that helped to clarify this.  As I've gotten a bit older, its been a lot harder to stay healthy and especially not to gain too much weight.  I've had to work hard at the goal of being healthy.  Sometimes I do better than other times.  Sometimes I exercise and am careful about what I eat.  Other times its more difficult to live in a way that keeps my goal of staying healthy in mind. 

Recently our daughter got married and we had a month with a lot of celebration.  That meant lots of good food!  I ate more than I should have and gained some pounds.  When I came home, I really didn't want to step on the scale and see what I weighed.  It would have been easier to not measure, to not know where I was at or to ignore my goal of being healthy.  But, even though I knew I wouldn't be pleased with the result, I was willing to get on the scale.  Doing that forced me to re-order my priorities, to examine my behavior, set some new short term goals and get back on track.

This is what reporting does for us as church planters.  If we are not willing to regularly check our results, measure and look at where we are at in the goal of movements, we may never see them happen.  We may never reach that goal.  Reporting helps us examine the facts.  I might think I'm doing okay with my weight (as long as I'm only wearing Indian style draw string pants I may not feel my clothes tightening much! :)) but once I step on the scale reality hits.  This can be discouraging in the short term but is critical in the long term. 

Lets not be afraid of reporting.  Lets be willing to step on the scales, so to speak, in our church planting work and to look at the key indicators.  We have a God given vision to pursue.  Our deep commitment to seeing that vision come about makes us willing to report, first to ourselves and then to others who can help us get back on track or overcome obstacles we are facing.

Obedient to the Vision

God given vision.  It is the foundation that incredible progress and miraculous movements are built upon.  God loves to partner with His people and release his dreams into their hearts.  Sometimes these dreams grow in our hearts through a process of ongoing revelation.  Sometimes we have “Damascus road” encounters with God where He more dramatically speaks to us, calling us to a particular people, purpose or dream.  What do we do with that vision?  Many talk about the vision.  Some begin to work on it.  Continuing to persevere through the trials and continuing to steadfastly pursue the dream and calling God has placed on your life or organization isn’t easy.  Many do not do this.  Obstacles come up, various things distract or discourage, and that vision fades into the background.  They are not able or willing to press through until they see the fulfillment of all God has called them to and promised.

In Acts 26:19 Paul stands before King Agrippa to make his defense in response to the charges brought against him.  He boldly declares, ““So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven. On that road to Damascus, the master had given him a dream and a calling.  It was a costly one, to take the good news to the Gentile world.  But Paul boldly stands before Agrippa and defends what he has done and why he has done it.  The basis for all he has done is his deep commitment to be obedient to the calling on his life, to the vision God showed him.  Many didn’t understand.  Many attacked him, spoke against him and excluded him.  But his commitment was unwavering.  He would not, indeed, he could not turn back from that calling.  He had to obey God, not please people. 

God has called some of us to a very specific vision- the vision to see Supernatural Increase and the release of movements of Jesus followers among the unreached.  As we pursue this dream, to truly see a 10 fold increase, to see multiple generations of believers reproducing in organic ways, to see thousands come into the kingdom, it is not easy.  Many misunderstand us.  Why are you always collecting reports? Why are you not doing things in the ways other churches do?  Why are you so committed to contextualization?  Why aren’t you more committed to coming to our meetings and conferences? The list goes on.  

Our answer, our defense must be coming from the same place Paul’s did.  It must come from a deep heart commitment to be obedient to the vision God gave.  Our passion, our desire is to be found faithful by our Lord.  How deep is your commitment to the dream God has given you?  Like Paul, are you willing to be misunderstood when you do things in ways that are radically different from others around you?  Or when you pioneer new approaches in order to see something different result from what we’ve seen in the past?

I pray that I may be obedient to the clear call God gave when He spoke to me from the parable of the Minas- to ask Him for, and to work for a ten fold increase in the harvest.  Will you join me to press in to our unique calling to see Supernatural Increase and Greater Fruit among the unreached?