Friday, July 7, 2017

The Supernatural part of Increase

Seven years ago the Lord spoke to me on a prayer retreat about how He wanted to bring about a Supernatural Increase of His Kingdom in South Asia.  He spoke through the parable of the Minas in Luke 19. He wanted us to believe for a 10 fold increase of fruitfulness in our church planting works. This was to be a time when we would move from addition growth to multiplication growth, from seeing a few new believers added to churches once in awhile, to a season of Supernatural Increase.

Its amazing to look back on these past years and see what God has done!  We have much to rejoice about.  He truly has brought incredible growth and breakthrough in so many places.  In some places though, we are still waiting and calling on the Lord of the Harvest to bring about the breakthroughs we long to see.  In some places we are still stuck and only seeing addition growth, or no growth at all.  We have learned a lot on this journey of faith.  We have grown.  There have been deep valleys and high mountain tops.  We continue to travel forward, pursuing God and all that He desires to release, seeking to listen and obey.

Walking on this journey, there is one thing I am completely sure of.  This increase is not a natural one.  It involves and requires supernatural intervention.  We will only see the breakthroughs we long for as we partner with a Supernatural God and as His Supernatural power is released through us. Methods and strategies are good and helpful. But we need His Supernatural work to see what we are asking Him for!

How do we release the Supernatural work of God on the earth?  How do we call down His glorious Presence? I can't give you a list of things to do and guarantee you that it will happen.  God simply doesn't work according to human formulas. 

What I can do is look at past outpourings of God and see what seemed to catalyze them.  Revival history, DMMs of the past and present, help guide us and give us important principles. We also must look at scripture and see what God Himself has to say about what leads to Supernatural Increase and breakthrough. From history and from scripture, there are keys and principles we can apply as we hope, watch, wait and press in for God to do what we know He also is longing to do among the unreached in every corner of South Asia!

As I review history and scripture, it seems to me that God responds in big ways to three main things: Faith, Hunger and Humility. 

Hebrews 6:11-12
11 And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness in realizing the full assurance of hope until the end, 12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Philippians 3:13-15
Brethren, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature be thus minded; and if in anything you are otherwise minded, God will reveal that also to you. 

2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Faith is willing to believe for more than we can see with our human eyes, to believe for something only God can do.  What are you believing for?  Are you stretching your faith to believe for more than what you can do in your own strength?  For more than what you have seen or experienced in the past?  Faith releases God's Supernatural Presence and work on earth.

Hunger relates to desperation for God.  How hungry are you?  How desperate are you to see a move of God in your location?  Are you satisfied or hungry?  Every revival or move of God in history started as a result of a few people who were desperately hungry to see something change, to see something move forward, to see an outpouring of His work on the earth.  Every move of God in history has started when people became desperate for God to demonstrate the reality of scripture in their lives, in their cities.  They weren't content to just read about it happening in other places or to other people or in the Bible.  God responds to hungry hearts that cry out to him in desperation.  

Humility acknowledges our complete inability to do anything apart from Him.  Humility recognizes our own sinfulness and need for repentance and change.  Humility is willing to allow God to show us where we need to change our ways and become obedient.  Humility evaluates with the Holy Spirit and looks honestly at ourselves and our work.  Humility prays.  It cries out to God to change us, to help us, to forgive us, to come and work among us in a new way.  God delights in responding to those who humble themselves, pray, repent and seek His face.

Today, seven years after first hearing God speak about Supernatural increase, though I am so grateful for what He has already done, I am desperately longing for MORE!  In faith, I'm still declaring...this year will be our greatest year of multiplication ever!  In hunger, I'm crying...Jesus, please come and do your SUPERNATURAL work among us in every corner, and in every team and church!  In humility, I'm saying...we need you Lord.  Keep changing us.  Keep showing us where we need to repent.

Will you join me?  Let's call down heaven to earth and see a great SUPERNATURAL INCREASE and a GREAT HARVEST among the unreached.  Now is the time!  This is the year for breakthrough!

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